
Unit History

Unit History
Aces Wild Founded
The original founders of the Aces Wild came together to create Mechwarrior: Online mercenary group they called their own. Tired of the politics and unnecessay bickering of past units, they sought out to make the Aces a stress free and fun envornment where people of any play-style could enjoy themselves. Black Phoenix held several meetings with the founders of the Aces Wild where they would decide the Role Play basis, unit name, unit colors, and what this units goal was to become. Founders: Black Phoenix, MaverickGTO, Blind Temple, 100mile, Brother Grim, General Veers, Moruk, Doogavich, Boogiebook, Razor87FIS, Swordfish, Monsoon, Electric Mayhem, Running Wolf, Minoxen, Verfolger, Sero, Skinflint, AAllard, Crazyworm, Thanatos, Skye Storm, DirtNap, Joker Two, and Paratrooper.
Aces Wild Opens for Recruitment
The Aces Wild open their doors to the general public with a single battalion open. Alpha and Bravo Company opened with less than five pilots in each company and Charlie, having come to the Aces as a unit, was almost full. The unit focused on recruitment efforts and quickly grew.
Aces Wild Opens for Recruitment
Second Battalion was opened with DirtNap as its’ Commanding Officer. Delta Company was formed with Swordfish as its’ Company Commander. Electric Mayhem took over DirtNaps old position as Alpha Company Commanding Officer.
First Scrimmage
The Aces Wild take on the Robinson Ranger Brigade in their first scrimmage as a newly formed unit. The Aces Wild win 2-1.
Echo Company Opened
Echo Company is opened under the command for the newly promoted MAJ. Minoxen.
Foxtrot Company Opened
Foxtrot Company opens under the command of Zarakynel. Second Battalion begins to fill with all three companies open.
Golf Company Opened
Golf Company is opened under the command for the newly promoted MAJ. Squint.
Schoolyard Throwdown Begins
A series of 1v1 “call out” matches begins. See Video.
Hotel Company Opened
Hotel Company is opened under the command for the newly promoted MAJ. Donas.
The Aces Wild / Robinson Ranger Brigade Community Warfare Training Exercise was a six week operation focused on administration and battlefield preparedness for MWO’s Community Warfare. Six matches were held in total. Aces Wild won the battlefield portion of the CWTX with a score of four wins and two loses.
India Company Opened
India Company opens under the command of Odinson. Third Battalion begin to fill with all three companies open completing the Regiment.
Operation Tiro Begins
Operation Tiro was a large recruitment push that involed all members of the Aces Wild. There was two nights of recruitment based 4-man pugging group of which over a hundred members took part in and a “NGNG Invasion” night where nearly a hundred Aces Wild members flooded the NGNG Podcast live recording. Audio from NGNG.
Aces Wild enter Community Warfare
Aces Wild enter Community Warfare as a Merc Unit. Sign 28 day Contract with House Davion.
Strike Teams Launched
Aces Wild sent Strike Teams to other factions on temporary contracts. This was done to explore the possibility of moving the Unit as a whole to a different faction for Merc Contracts. Ultimately House Davion was determined to be the best place for the unit.
Aces Wild Founded
The original founders of the Aces Wild came together to create Mechwarrior: Online mercenary group they called their own. Tired of the politics and unnecessay bickering of past units, they sought out to make the Aces a stress free and fun envornment where people of any play-style could enjoy themselves. Black Phoenix held several meetings with the founders of the Aces Wild where they would decide the Role Play basis, unit name, unit colors, and what this units goal was to become. Founders: Black Phoenix, MaverickGTO, Blind Temple, 100mile, Brother Grim, General Veers, Moruk, Doogavich, Boogiebook, Razor87FIS, Swordfish, Monsoon, Electric Mayhem, Running Wolf, Minoxen, Verfolger, Sero, Skinflint, AAllard, Crazyworm, Thanatos, Skye Storm, DirtNap, Joker Two, and Paratrooper.
Aces Wild Opens for Recruitment
The Aces Wild open their doors to the general public with a single battalion open. Alpha and Bravo Company opened with less than five pilots in each company and Charlie, having come to the Aces as a unit, was almost full. The unit focused on recruitment efforts and quickly grew.
Aces Wild Opens for Recruitment
Second Battalion was opened with DirtNap as its’ Commanding Officer. Delta Company was formed with Swordfish as its’ Company Commander. Electric Mayhem took over DirtNaps old position as Alpha Company Commanding Officer.
First Scrimmage
The Aces Wild take on the Robinson Ranger Brigade in their first scrimmage as a newly formed unit. The Aces Wild win 2-1.
Echo Company Opened
Echo Company is opened under the command for the newly promoted MAJ. Minoxen.
Foxtrot Company Opened
Foxtrot Company opens under the command of Zarakynel. Second Battalion begins to fill with all three companies open.
Golf Company Opened
Golf Company is opened under the command for the newly promoted MAJ. Squint.
Schoolyard Throwdown Begins
A series of 1v1 “call out” matches begins. See Video.
Hotel Company Opened
Hotel Company is opened under the command for the newly promoted MAJ. Donas.
The Aces Wild / Robinson Ranger Brigade Community Warfare Training Exercise was a six week operation focused on administration and battlefield preparedness for MWO’s Community Warfare. Six matches were held in total. Aces Wild won the battlefield portion of the CWTX with a score of four wins and two loses.
India Company Opened
India Company opens under the command of Odinson. Third Battalion begin to fill with all three companies open completing the Regiment.
Operation Tiro Begins
Operation Tiro was a large recruitment push that involed all members of the Aces Wild. There was two nights of recruitment based 4-man pugging group of which over a hundred members took part in and a “NGNG Invasion” night where nearly a hundred Aces Wild members flooded the NGNG Podcast live recording. Audio from NGNG.
Aces Wild enter Community Warfare
Aces Wild enter Community Warfare as a Merc Unit. Sign 28 day Contract with House Davion.
Strike Teams Launched
Aces Wild sent Strike Teams to other factions on temporary contracts. This was done to explore the possibility of moving the Unit as a whole to a different faction for Merc Contracts. Ultimately House Davion was determined to be the best place for the unit.
Decision to go Loyalist
Aces Wild decides to go Loyalist and sign a permanent contract with House Davion.
Aces Wild Taskforce Formed
The Aces Wild Taskforce was formed by MAJ Tam "Tamerlin" Barlas in anticipation of the Mechwarrior Online World Championship. It was expanded to include other competitive leagues such as MRBC and MCW.
New Company Structure and Direction
After some serious problems disagreements over CW/FW, and its viability the Aces Wild disbanded several defunct companies and placed all remaining companies under 1st Battalion, and a switch from being a dedicated Davion Loyalist Unit to a full mercenary faction within MWO. This was in response to many pilots disagreeing over the importance of faction play and the departure of an entire company to form its own unit. Additionally there were no games to be had along the Davion border so a change was necessary for the unit to continue faction play. The change was also done to ensure the longevity of the Aces Wild as fun, mil-sim unit that stresses camaraderie over all else. (This ultimately proved to be a bad decision and the unit has returned to its original configuration).
World Championship
The Aces Wild performed well in the World Championship. Placing 13th after 79 matches of wich they won 61 and lost 18. Winning more than losing and having a good time doing is all the Aces Wild cold hope for! BRAVO ZULU to all the pilots that participated. Majors Calon Farstar and Tamerlin both attend the finals of the world champion ships in Vancouver at Mechcon 2016.
New Leadership
Colonel Black Phoenix steps down as Commanding Officer of the unit and retires. He names Colonel Calon Farstar as his successor and the new Commanding Officer of the Aces Wild. Colonel Black Phoenix will remain active as he can in the unit and will retain a special privileges as the Founder of the unit.
Unit Growth
Under the Leadership of Colonel Calon Farstar the unit opens up all 3 battalions again and starts rebuilding and recruiting as well as keeping the unit running smoothly. Social media and outreach opportunities are encouraged to help recruit pilots to the the unit.
Return of Aces Wild Veterans
Alpha and Bravo Company are reformed with returning veteran and retired pilots. Major Black Phoenix returns first as the CO of newly formed Alpha Co and Major Verfolger brings much of old Charlie Company back and reforms Bravo Company.
At this time the Command Group becomes fully staffed with Regiment XO: LTC Not Bob, 1bn CO: LTC RFGreywolf, 2bn CO: LTC Thanatos, 3bn CO: LTC RocketFuelJunkie.
RP Missions
Aces Wild starts developing RP missons to augment the MWO in game public que, and Faciton Warfare play. This becomes very popular with most of the unit. Majors Black Phoenix and Bouncin take lead on cordinating and running the missions.
Mechcon 2017
COL Calon Farstar, LTC NotBob, MAJ Tamerlin, MAJ Blanka, CAPT Silent Nobel, and CDT Tereva represented the unit at MechCon 2017
Mech Con 2018
COL Calon Farstar, LTC NotBob, MAJ Tamerlin, LTC Silent Nobel, ALEX656, SGT Tereva, and CDT Bushrat represented the unit at MechCon 2018
ISC Season 2
Inner Sphere Coalition Season 2 announced and to be held with Matches Starting May 3rd.
ISC Season 3
Inner Sphere Coalition Season 3 Hosted in February 2021
ISC Season 4
Inner Sphere Coalition Season 4 Hosted in February 2022
ISC Season 5
Inner Sphere Coalition Season 5 Hosted in January of 2023
Enjin Website
The Enjin Website in use for over a decade is shut down by its hosting company. All web based assets are moved to the Wix platform.
ISC SEason 6
Inner Sphere Coalition Season 6 Hosted in January-February of 2024