
There is currently no active campaign on this planet. Background information to come - stay tuned!

With the founding of the Federated Suns, Robinson became one of the five seats of power under House Davion. Robinson became the capital world of the Terran March, one of five Marches within the Federated Suns. The planet lost portions of its rich soil to heavy mining during this period, limiting its ability to feed itself. However, its exports of raw materials allowed construction of Dropships & JumpShips, making the world wealthy and able to afford food imports. Following the fall of the Star League, House Kurita forces invaded and occupied the world for a number of decades. As a result, Robinson suffered a prolonged period of starvation and the destruction of many of its heavy industries. Only in the thirty-first century has the planet's economic wealth been restored. Robinson is host to the imfamous Robinson Rangers, a AFFS military unit of high notoriety.
