
There is currently no active campaign on this planet. Background information to come - stay tuned!

A warm, semi-tropical world, in 3025 Ramora was host to one of two United Outworlders Corporation major factories and was a prime target for raiders and pirates. The UOC factory on Ramora manufactured the LTN-G15 Lightning and the SYD-21 Seydlitz fighters. Between the joint DCMS/OWA AeroSpace Fighter project running through the UOC factory and the other weapons factories and facilities located on this world, Ramora was the site of the largest weapons producing facility in the Outworlds Alliance in 3025.
In 3069 the Clan Snow Raven Swift Wing Naval Assault Star was resupplying in the Ramora system when it was attacked and destroyed by terrorists. The terrorists were either from or backed by the Word of Blake, but used Draconis Combine vessels and tactics when they destroyed the Snow Raven WarShips. During the Jihad Ramora was the subject of an unsanctioned attack by mercenaries in the employ of the Federated Suns.
