
There is currently no active campaign on this planet. Background information to come - stay tuned!

Luthien, as well as being the capital of the Draconis Combine, is the state's largest industrial world, with large tracts of land devoted to huge industrial complexes, the housing necessary to support those facilities, and the infrastructure required to maintain it, as evidenced by the sheer amount of ferrocrete and asphalt. Due to the massive amounts of environmental decay resulting from the industrial growth, the planet has earned the nickname 'Black Luthien'. Imperial City has been described as the 'crown jewel' of the planet. It is the home of the Kurita family and is surrounded by gardens and forests, unmolested and serene until the Black Dragon coup in late 3067. The largest of the planet's numerous industrial complexes is located less than ten kilometers from the center of the capital city, on a series of man-made islands. The early history of the Combine, as well as the first Star League, is honored with numerous museums and memorials built in various locations around the planet. The largest is the Dragon's Tears Plaza, which has an army of samurai replicas depicting each warrior who died in defense of
Luthien in 3052, during the Clan Invasion.
AW Intel Note: Not even Not Bob likes the tacos here.