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Commanding Officer:
major The Foo

Executive Officer:

captain Gentleman Jack

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Play style: CAsual

Competitive Level: low

Role Play Oriented: low

FW Involvement: Low

Drop Nights: Sundays 7:30PM EST and Tuesdays 8:30 PM EST


 Aces Wild's Hotel Company, also known as "The Hangmen," has one thing in mind when it comes to how they handle their business: drop in and cause as much organized chaos as humanly possible. Historically known for making (and subsequently breaking) the Meta within MW:O, Hotel Company is also historically known for their uncouth and utterly insane tactics. Hotel Company has (and will again, if called upon) gone toe to toe with other competitive units within the Aces to practice with them; dspite being a "casual" Company, the Hangmen come out on top. IF you're looking for a laid back group of people who just love to play the game, the Hangmen have a home for you. â€‹



Designed by Black Phoenix, Calon Farstar, and the Aces Wild.
Please ask permisson to copy materials. 

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