
There is currently no active campaign on this planet. Background information to come - stay tuned!

Dindatari was a core world within the Outworlds Alliance when Operation UNION HOLD began in 2581. With the intention of forcibly incorporating the Outworlds Alliance into the Star League following the mass rejection of the Pollux Proclamation in 2575 by the major Periphery states, the invasion of the Outworlds Alliance saw two corps of Star League Defense Force troops and a mixed brigade of Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery forces begin systematically occupying Alliance worlds. Dindatari escaped the attentions of the Outworlds Alliance Task Force until mid-2583, when forces were dispatched from the occupied world of Ki Zoban in April or May to strike at Dindatari.
When the Forty-first and Forty Second Brigades of the Fourteenth Division, V Corps arrived on Dindatari, it wasn't to occupy the world; instead, the SLDF forces had targeted the world as part of a seek-and-destroy campaign to weaken the Outworlds Alliance by destroying the industry and population centers of worlds not yet targeted for annexation.